Pubg mobile Season 15 leakes.

 Pubg mobile Season 15 (S15) Leaked.

  • Season 15 leakes not more but some outfit and gun skin and tier reward are here.

  • This is a Season 15 Logo similar to Season 9.

  • The first Season 15 tier reward.

  • This is Gold tier Outfit.

  • This is Platinum tier Headgear it's look like Devil. 

  • This is Diamond tier SKS gun Skin. 

  • This is ACE tier Parachute Skin. 

And more leakes are Outfits. The only four outfit are leaked.

  • 1st Outfit This outfit name Jacket special 012.

  • 2nd outfit name Jacket special 013.

  • 3rd Outfit name Jacket special 014.

  • 4th outfit name Jacket special 015
This is outfits are leaked but this is not confirmed and I think this outfits are upgradeable may be may be not it's not confirmed.


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