Season 16 Royal pass Reward and Gun Skin.

Pubg mobile Season 16 RP leakes

I think you all waiting season 16 royal pass.

In this season 16 is wonderful because in this season many types of events, modes, and new gun skin and character outfit, many  upgradable gun skin. According to rumors in new season launch new Character like andy,carlo and sara, vector.

In season 16 purchase bonus outfit ⤵

This outfit is claim gold tier.

Season 16 new outfit coming but this is not confirm to it's a rp reward or it's event⤵

New season and new Gun skins in season 16 come  upgradable Mini14 (icicle Mini 14) This is 1st Upgradable mini skin⤵

This is Mini14 deth Crete.

Upgradable mini 14 like new gun skin Ump45 skin this is Upgradable⤵

Another new gun skin Scar-l this gun skin is in new event like lucky spin and this skin and New outfit in this event⤵

Season 16 royal pass helmet skin⤵

In Season 16 RP Crete is Season 9 100rp outfit ( Draconian champion)  and gun skin and another⤵

Im this season 16 many gun skin comes in game 

  • Upgradable: Ump45 ( Outlawed Fantasy ) it's upgrade Lv. 5

  • Upgradable : Mini14(icicle mini14)

  • M416 Upgradable glacier skin is come in season 16

  • Vehicle : Motorcycle ( Rock 'n' Roll) this skin is in RP reward

  • 100RP outfit Night Terror Outfit 

  • Scar-l : Metal Jungle scar-l

  • Dp28 : Metal Jungle DP28

  • Mk14 : Metal Jungle mk14

  • Upgradable : M249 ( Winter queen) it is first Upgradable m249 skin in game

  • Season 16 tier reward gun skin is Thompson it's claim in diamond tier.

Season 16 base in Halloween and Halloween related many events coming in game like 

  • winter fair holiday market (discount) 

  • Cyber week 

In this week 1st five days is uc event this event release from 23 November ⤵

Season 16 1 to 100 RP reward is coming soon.


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